As those cards are played after
each player has played on the card led, the card which was under the top
card is now turned over and comes into play for the next lead. There is
of course no opportunity for aces and joker to be called, as very often
the first call is the only call. For two players who really enjoy 500
this form of the game provides many incredible results.
You may attain ten no trump calls with hands which start off looking so weak you would prefer not to call at all. You may lose a call which you thought was impossible to lose. The opportunities which arise to cross-trump, and to finesse high cards are never ending. All the principles of using your bargaining power, and making crafty calls to go down, or to trap an unwary opponent apply in this game as well. It really is a very good game. Three Handed 500You can play with a normal pack of cards as for four handed 500 dealing as usual with the player making the highest bid having the spare hand turned face up opposite him or her and being played by the person with the last bid in it's proper turn to play. I prefer however to reduce the pack to the top 33 cards and deal three hands. Players calling first should always call a bid they are happy to be left on, but all other bids may be bluff calls until someone is the highest bidder. This game is very hard to win if all players play it hard. Not only is one player calling with only one third of the cards, but the other two can and will gang up on the third player if it suits them to do so. As an instance of this consider that player A is 400 up, and B and C are 200 down. Clearly player A can easily go out with a low call. Under these situations B and C should ensure that one of them calls, even beyond the safe limit of that hand. The remaining low score player must then play for him, rather than taking him down and leaving A to win. To play for him means throwing the right bower away on the joker, and discarding high cards instead of small ones. Or not playing aces when this would take the trick. It is quite remarkable what can be achieved if this sort of assistance is given. Properly played by three players who are all dedicated winners, a single game of 500 can be a long affair. Five Handed 500Played with 53 cards and with the final bidder able to call for his partner by nominating a specific card holder to be his partner. You may not call on the Joker, or any trump card. You can elect to go alone. If you have called on a partner both players go up or down depending on whether the call was successful. The score is kept for each player. There are occasions in this game when the final bidder may not discover who his partner is until the last card is played, even if he had led to that card early, only to have it trumped by another player. This game is strictly for laughs, and I confess that I have played it so rarely that I have never tried to play it According to Francis. Perhaps it could work like that! Six Handed 500This game needs the special pack of 63 cards produced for this purpose, though you could use a normal pack, and include the 2's, 3's and black fours from the original pack, and add four 2's, four 3's and the two red 4's from another pack, even if the back of the cards is different. If you do that then a player who played say the five of hearts would be bettered by a second player playing another five of hearts on top of it. It is possible to play either as three partnerships of two players, or two partnerships of three players the latter being a much better balanced game. Again I have never played this way but I see no reason why it should not be played exactly as suggested in the text of these notes. It should be a very good game and I suspect that it could become as addictive as the 500 we enjoy. Another good feature would be that you can vary the mix of players through six people more than with a group of four.
Updated April 22, 2000