This web site has been published to allow you to learn and
understand a new method of playing the card game 500, invented
by Bryce Francis.
Bryce is a retired business man now living in Melbourne
Australia, having spent the bulk of his days in New
Zealand. He not fully Internet literate, but asked for the
web site to be established in the hope that others might enjoy
his approach to the game.
He has also published a book about his new way of playing
500. This
web site captures only the core essence
contained in the book.
He visits this site regularly and is always interested in
your comments and suggestions about his rules and this web
site. His email and snail mail address can be located
using the menus on the left.
Please stop a while and share your thoughts in the
discussions area, use our guest book and discover the new way of playing 500, according
to Francis.
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