Written for Four handed 500

There are many forms of 500, and these notes are prepared basically for four players.  

How you should call

You may find this different but it works much better.  Begin by calling ACES.

The basic idea behind any call is to get the most points out of the pair of hands involved in that call. You must COMMUNICATE!!!. Communication must be POSITIVE. This method of calling requires calling the aces first, and your suit strengths later. Each caller must call the lowest ACE, or the joker when it is his turn to call and he or she has no aces to call. If the first caller holds the ace of spades, his first call is six spades, even if that is the only black card in his hand. A first call of six spades says to all players that that player has the ace of spades. It gives no indication of any other card in the hand. It certainly cannot be taken to indicate a strength in spades. It is just the ace.

A first caller therefore making a bid of six clubs has now said TWO things. One negative and one positive. It says " I have the ace of CLUBS, but NOT the ace of spades", for he would have been obliged to call that first. A first caller calling six diamonds is clearly now saying three things. No ace of spades, no ace of clubs, but yes I have the ace of diamonds. So a first bidder calling six hearts is saying four things. He holds the ace of hearts, but not one of the other three aces. It follows that an opening bid of six no trumps by the first caller is saying five things, no aces but I have the joker. In other words by making one call this player has conveyed to all the others five "Bits" of information.

It is rather unusual for the calls to follow such a simple routine as six spades, six clubs, six diamonds, six hearts, six no trumps. It does happen, but only on rare occasions. It is much more normal for the calls to happen in an entirely different sequence. Let us say that the first caller has called six hearts. It is not now possible for the next caller to commence calling his aces below a seven call. If he has the joker, he MUST call six no trumps, and it must be clearly understood that this discloses to all players where the joker is. So it follows that if the call immediately following a six hearts call is seven spades, this is saying just as clearly, no joker but the ace of spades. A seven club call would have meant, no joker, no ace of spades, but the ace of clubs. Again not a strength call. A seven diamond call would mean no joker, no black aces, but yes I have the ace of diamonds. A seven heart call following a six heart call can only indicate strength in hearts, as it says no joker, and no other ace. This is the first indication we have had that a hand is to be called on its trick taking potential rather than on an ace.

Calling your aces MAY have to continue through seven, eight, or nine levels, depending on the state of the game. It is not always safe to have your partner know that a specific ace is on your side if you pick up kitty, as there are times he has to know that particular ace is not in kitty. These situations arise when the scores for both sides are high, and you are in a situation where someone is in a "calling to go down" position. More about that later.

In general terms, avoid calling aces at such a high level that you will be embarrassed by being left on that call. If you take a few moments to consider what all the calls have communicated, you will realise that your partner will know that either you have that ace or it is in kitty! The bigger the points difference between any two successive calls, the more "bits" of information are being conveyed. If you are left calling an ace at eight and you know you cannot sustain that call as trumps, change up to a more likely looking suit, particularly when your partner has given you a strength call in an available suit. Do not change up if it means you are going from a "safe to go down" call to an "unsafe to go down call".


Jump Bids

A "jump" bid occurs every time the call is put up one stage higher than it would call to disclose an ace. For instance, if the first caller bids seven spades, he is no longer communicating the ace, for if he held that card he would have called it at six. It therefore follows that a first caller calling seven spades is now clearly saying to all players that he has strength in spades, but no aces or joker....six bits of information. Similarly a first call of seven clubs is saying seven things, as in addition to the last six bits, he has now said no potential strength in spades. 

Following this through seven diamonds says no aces, joker, no strength in either black suit....eight things. Likewise a first call of seven hearts says some potential in hearts, but no aces, joker, strength in black suits, or in diamonds. A seven no trump bid as an opening bid is very rare. It means that the player holds four kings, but no joker or aces. A hand containing no aces or joker, but 5 strong spades and 5 strong hearts should make a jump bid in the black suit, leaving the way open to escalate the call to the red suit if you are left on the call, without having to lift the call from seven to eight. 

What constitutes a jump bid can vary considerably according to the score at the time. For a first caller five good trumps could be considered enough to make a jump bid, especially if the offsuit is reasonable. Three "rags" to a bower, or one rag to both bowers with a critical score line may justify a jump bid, even though it may only convey to your partner that you could stop a ten call against you in that suit. Where the scores of both sides are say in the range of minus 100 to plus anything, jump bids can be made freely, but they must be made with caution when your score is in a low minus level. You should never make a jump bid when its point value if lost will lose you the game, unless your opponents score is getting close to 500. Where both scores are high pluses, jump calls MUST be made on hands with some suggestion of strength.

The following calls

Players who follow a jump bid follow the normal pattern of calling the aces as outlined already. So a call of seven clubs, following a jump bid of seven spades, definitely says the ace of clubs. A seven heart call in similar circumstances discloses the ace of hearts, and also says that that player does not have the ace of clubs or the ace of diamonds. Jump bids may follow jump bids. Thus a first call of seven spades followed by a call of eight clubs, will indicate a strong hand in clubs, but no aces or joker. 

Jump bids which follow jump bids must of necessity start with at least an eight call, and could easily start at nine. Of course the hand will have to be strong, or may have to be made in an emergency when one side or the other is going to have to go down to save the game. The golden rule is that the higher the score of your opponents, the more important is the need to jump bid. A jump bid may fall in any sequence in the bidding. Thus a call of six clubs, followed by a call of seven diamonds by the next caller, means just the same as it did before. No aces or joker, but something in diamonds. Likewise a call of seven clubs following a bid of six clubs says no aces or joker, but something in clubs. The ace of a suit which has already been jump bid can still be called by bidding it in its correct sequence. 

Thus an eight diamond call, following a first call of seven diamonds is communicating the ace of diamonds. Never make a jump bid higher than is necessary to indicate that the call is a jump bid. You may think that because you hold a sure eight diamond call, you might as well go straight to that call. This means that if your partner has to tell you of his ace or aces he has to go to a nine call, and he may find his hand too weak to support that call. So keep your jump bids at minimum level, allow your partner calling space to tell you of his aces, and make your own discarding decisions easier when you pick up kitty.

Calling Kings and Queens

It is often possible to communicate kings, queens and sometimes jacks by the same calling process. These situations arise most frequently when the joker is on your side, and especially when you are clearly headed for a no trump bid. In the following sequence of calls....six hearts, six no trumps (your partner), seven spades, seven clubs, pass, seven diamonds, pass, a next call of seven no trumps would clearly indicate the king of diamonds. 

The reason for this is because the fourth caller knows from the calls that the ace of spades and the ace of hearts are against the no trump call. His partner having called only the ace of diamonds and joker, will know that you are supporting the diamonds in no trumps. If the fourth caller has not got the king of diamonds, but has strength in diamonds he wants to call, he would call eight diamonds indicating diamonds but not the king. Thus eight spades would mean strength in spades, or eight clubs as strength in clubs. 

So watch out for opportunities to call kings, and in the same manner queens, after your partner has given you a joker call, and has indicated he has aces to which you hold kings, or queens and jacks to which he holds ace and king. Basically it is quite simple. If your partner has called the joker, and then calls the ace of hearts at seven, if you hold the king of hearts call seven no trumps, but if you want hearts as a suit go to eight hearts, and your partner will know you do not have the king. Exactly the same situations arise to talk about the queens and jacks, but naturally your calls are now at the nine and ten level. No problems with that as you see your no trump bids build successfully. You will realise that you can call support of kings to your partners aces in more than one suit. Make sure the opportunity is given in calling to make these supportive calls by not taking each call beyond its next logical step, or the calls may get too high for proper calling to continue. 

Just take it step by step. Only practice will teach you how to do this successfully.

When not to call Aces

It is certainly desirable not to call aces when your score is so low that to have to call an ace beyond what the scoreboard says you can afford to lose is like committing suicide. You may have to do that if you are in an instant do or die position, but avoid it if is not necessary. Sometimes not calling aces because the scoreboard says you cannot afford it may mean you do not get the best result from that hand. This is unfortunate but sometimes necessary. Low scores often inhibit calling hands to their full potential. It is better to quietly work your way back up to a safer score than to give the game away by rash calling.

Reading the Calls

So we get to the point that we have something positive to communicate,,,,aces or the joker when we have them, or suit when we do not have those key cards, and suit we want to go after we have communicated the key cards. The real value of this method of calling however, lies in the fact that by listening to the calls being made, you can deduce a lot of information. Consider the following situation. You have dealt and the calling has been six hearts, six no trumps, seven diamonds, and it is now your turn to call. 

It is clear from your opponents calls that they do not hold either of the black aces, and if your hand is not otherwise strong, and the scores are such that to call both those aces at eight, (assuming you hold them both) would be too risky, you may safely pass. This is because your partner would already realise that those two aces are either in your hand or one or other or both in kitty. So he may safely call on knowing that he can rely on these cards being on his side. Knowing where the key cards are is absolutely vital when it comes to rejecting cards after picking up kitty. You will never have to trump when a suit is led that you know your partner holds the ace. Just discard an unwanted card. You can safely keep solo offsuit cards to lead to your partners aces. It makes all the difference between calling the true value of your joint hands, and you will find that calling often gets to the eight, nine and ten level and you can be more certain of getting those high calls. 

I have dealt and examined hundreds of hands and found that there is nearly always at least an eight call attainable by one side or the other, and this calling system is aimed at letting you find out where it is. Be careful to remember from ALL the calls made what key cards your partner has, either from his having called them, or your opponents calls having denied them. It also helps you to know that while your partner is holding one or more suits covered, you can keep cover on others. This is particularly important when defending against strong no trump calls.

One Most Important Exception

It is very important to remember that the first call your partner calls, unless it is a jump bid, only indicates one card in his hand. For instance he may have started the calling at six spades. So you know he has the ace of spades. You must realise that he may also have the joker, six diamonds including the right and left bower, and two rags of clubs. Clearly he does not want to play the hand in spades, but in diamonds, at least eight diamonds. Naturally he would like to hear you calling the ace of clubs, making his hand now a nine call. Suppose the next player passes. It is now your turn to call and you have no aces and no strength. In normal circumstances you would pass, but if you do so the fourth player may very well pass leaving your partner on his six spade call which he needs like a hole in the head! So what can you call that neither gives false information, yet enables him to stay in the call. 

To call an ace you do not have, could lead to an overcall by your partner for a trick he wrongly thought you had. To jump call to something else may again lead him to interpret your call incorrectly. You cannot call no trumps as you do not have the joker. What must be called is seven of whatever suit your partner called first, in this case seven spades. Your partner must recognise this as a "convention" call which tells him you have nothing but have kept him in the calling. He is now free to call his hand to the level he feels he can get. The situation is entirely different if your partner opens the bidding with a jump bid. Since this is now an indication of strength in a suit, you may safely leave him as first caller as at least he has some strength in that suit.

Another Exception

If you pass on your first opportunity to call, your partner is now on his own, so he may and most often should depart from the calling of aces and joker. You have obviously got a weak hand, and there is little or no point in your partner calling to give valuable information to your opponents. So your partner should call to confuse the opposition and to block out communication of your opponents. He will deliberately call cards he does not have. He may also be clever enough to use his calls to extract information from his opponents. 

Let us suppose both teams are plus 470 at the beginning of a new hand. You pass, bad luck, you have nothing to communicate. Your partner has a strong hand, and must find out where the joker is. The second caller opens the bidding with a jump bid. He has therefore not got the joker! Your partner should now, regardless of what is in his hand, call seven hearts. Now it is the fourth players call. He must call the joker if he has it, to let his partner know where it is, as from his partners call he knows that his partner is vulnerable to a big no trump call from your partner. So now if his next call is eight of anything, and not seven no trumps, then he has not got the joker! It is of course in kitty, and only your partner is certain where it is. His call of six hearts forced that information from the opposition. Similarly he could have put his opponents in the position of disclosing say the ace of clubs by calling eight spades. 

There are great skills in pitching calls to gain valuable information. If you have passed on your first call, be very wary of believing your partners calls. He is most likely not telling the truth. Only often enough to keep your opponents on their toes. There may be times when your partner may be the only one left in the call, and he may continue to escalate the call slowly. It is possible in this event that he has a strong hand, most likely in no trumps, and he may still be trying to find out if you have just one king that is vital to him. So no matter how bad your hand is, you may find you have one card which really matters to your partner. Keep alert to his calls.

Deducing what is in Kitty

Under this method of calling it is often possible to deduce whether any of the aces or joker are in kitty. Unfortunately this does not apply to any other than those five cards. Often only one player is in a position to know what key cards are in kitty. In the following sequence of calling the dealer has privileged information. Assume the score of both sides is high and absolutely accurate information is essential. You have dealt, and your opposition commence the bid with a seven spade call. Looking at your hand you find that it is potentially strong, but lacks ace of spades and ace of diamonds. Your partner passes, and the next caller says eight clubs. Both your opposition players have made jump bids, You hold the ace of clubs, and the ace of hearts and the joker. The missing two aces must be in kitty! 

Here is another sequence of calls. You are dealer, and the calls are six diamonds, pass, seven clubs. Looking at your hand you have joker and ace of hearts, and a strong king high run of spades. Once again you know from the call that neither of your opponents have the ace of spades, so it must be in kitty. Your opponents know that they do not have the ace of spades but are not aware you do not hold it. The odds are that you do. It is always advisable for all players to locate which hands hold which aces. It is quite astounding how much alive a hand can come once you discover that a couple of aces, or the joker are in kitty.

Follow the System

What has already been stated may lead you to think that the element of bluff has been taken out of 500, but this is certainly not so. While both partners are still in the calling, you MUST follow the set pattern of calling. Incorrect calling will certainly mislead your opponents, but much worse it will mislead your partner. If your partner has passed at his first opportunity to call, or drops out at an early stage, his hand must be weak. To carry on calling your aces and joker to him, would only be giving information to your opponents. So if you either wish to remain in the calling, or are obliged to because of the score, it is far better to tell lies with your calling than to tell the truth, bearing in mind that if you are left with a call you do not want, you can change up to a suit which is better for you. 

Your best policy is often to call a call one below where you are wanting to go. For instance, if you intend to finish with an eight diamond call, you may be able to block out communication by jumping to an eight club call, changing to eight diamonds if you get left on it, and taking them down on any eight red call they make if they carry on calling. Unless your hand is very weak it will often pay you to pass, or make a low false call, and listen to what your opposition call. From this you may well discover that the key cards you lack are in kitty, so you profit from their calls. If your hand is weak, and your partners is weak as well, you may have to make very high jump bids to stop your opposition communicating. 

The really important thing is this. There are times when it really hurts to pass, or have to make a jump bid, as by so doing you are saying a lot about your hand. To tell other than the truth is to risk deluding your partner into a sense of false security, or worse to oblige him to make a large unnecessary sacrifice call. Here is another series of calls which illustrate this point. As first caller you call six spades, the next player seven spades, your partner seven clubs, and the dealer eight spades. Now if the dealer really had either red ace or joker and supporting spades he might think he can fool you by not calling them, and going to his eight spade call. 

The reason why this call is dangerous is that his partner has now been told that the joker and all four aces are against him, and he may easily be panicked into a very large lock out call to stop you and your partner communicating. If the player whose partner has made a jump bid does hold key cards and is in a position to force you to an untenable call, and wants to be sneaky about disclosure, he should make a large enough bid to let his partner know he wants control of the hand. In general terms it is much better to follow the system than to try to beat it.

You must Practice

It is necessary to devote many hours to practicing these calls before you can hope to achieve perfectly accurate information. You will find that you are constantly calling to higher levels than you may be used to, but you will find that because you are no longer playing guessing games, bigger calls are more readily attainable. It is simple to see that once you know where the aces are you can call higher with confidence. I do not propose to go into further detail about this method of calling, as there are many other facets of the game which are all part of this philosophy.

Know the score before you call

All players MUST KNOW THE EXACT SCORE, at the beginning of every new hand. You need to be aware of how many points you need to get to 500, and what is the largest score you can afford to lose. You also need this same information about your opponents score. Your scorer should announce the score as each new hand is being dealt, and you must know without asking, the value of the calls which answer the questions above. You should be aware of the risk factor of making calls beyond what the score tells you that you can afford, especially when your opponents are not threatening a win next hand.

Every trick is important

When you are defending against any call, remember that you score ten for every trick you take. Never just concede a hand to your opponents, but play every hand to its conclusion. The major reason for this is often overlooked. Let us say that you have a hand that you are sure you can get eight diamonds. If your score is plus 210, you cannot win the game with an eight diamond call, so you may stretch to nine in an attempt to win, with disastrous consequences. If you were 220 the eight would win for you, so a single trick taken some hands ago, could be the difference between a win and a loss. It is just the same when you are having to call to go down. You will not lose a game immediately if you are 310 down, and fail to make a bid of seven diamonds. But if you were 320 down, you would lose the game if you lost the call.

980 points to play with

I am going to presume that if you have gone to the trouble to track down these notes, you already realise that you must get the very best result possible from every hand. Also it means that you are not going to give a game away just because the other team have all the cards.


There is hardly a game played where some sort of sacrifice play is not used. Chess and draughts abound with good sacrifices. In Aussie rules football the ball is not always moving toward the goal. In rugby there is the quick kick backwards to the touch line. Golfers know that if the direct line to the flag is blocked by an obstruction they may have to chip sideways or even away from the hole. How often in soccer do you see the ball returned to the defenders own goalie, the wrong end of the field to score goals. But it allows regrouping and preparation to launch a new attack. A bowler often gives away a few runs to lure a batsman into a false sense of security. 

In 500 the early deliberate loss of no trump tricks is frequently necessary if you are going to make your bid. There is no limit on the INTELLIGENT use of sacrifice bids, and play. In 500 we must think of our greater playing field. Think about the scoreboard as if it represented a soccer field. 0 represents the centre of the field, plus 500 the goal you are aiming at, and minus 500 the goal you are defending. The area behind 0, the minus scores, are part of your playing field. Players of 500 would perhaps not be so unwilling to get into minus scores if the game was called 1000, scores to begin at 500 each. There is for some a psychological barrier about that minus before your score. 


Calling to go down. Yes! - DOWN

The only way to get a complete game over in one hand is for one side to call 10 hearts, or ten no trumps. Thank goodness it does not happen too often. Under this system of calling however, it will happen more often if you fail to take the necessary steps early. If your opponents have all the good cards and you allow them to communicate, you may be too late to stop them. Now assume a game where the scores are WE plus 450, and THEY plus 460. No side should ever be permitted to win this game next hand. I will repeat that. No side should ever be permitted to win this game next hand. 

The player on your left has dealt. Your partner passes. He has said ten different things!!! No aces, no joker, no strength in any suit, and no no-trump support. The second caller calls six clubs. He has the ace but not the ace of spades. You have a hand with only one court card, say a solitary unsupported queen. Obviously your opponents have got all the goodies, well at least they will have if they pick up kitty. What are you to do now. If you pass you can see that unless you can intervene they will easily make a call, as indeed they already have, that will put them out. And if they really wanted to keep on calling they would easily discover their ten no trump potential. Just to allow one of them to call the joker may be fatal. 

So you have to make a call and you have to make it big enough to lock out communication. The very minimum call I would make with that hand would be nine no trumps, and pray that my bluff would work. In the "school" where I played most of my 500, it would not work. Nothing short of a ten no trump call would have been safe, and I would have had not the slightest hesitation in making that bid. In fact, we all got a bit cheeky, and standard procedure for this call would have been to pick up kitty, which we always understood was a ten no trump call, without the need to say anything. 

The rule is that in these circumstances, the weaker your hand is, the higher must be your call, and its limit is only determined by what you can afford to call without losing the game that hand. Of course we are going to lose 520 points, so our score as we go into the next hand is minus 70, and my partner and I would make a mental note that our next limit call to go down is now reduced nine no trumps. We would not hesitate to make that call. After that we will run out of what we call "bargaining power", and hope our cards will improve next hand. It is quite astounding how often games can be won from what looks like a hopeless situation. I do not acknowledge there is a hopeless situation in 500, just opportunities to get back into the game. In just three more hands the scores could be, and often are, reversed.

Last Updated April 22, 2000


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